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Tiberium Crawling Mod ?

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so is there a tiberium crawling mod out yet for C&C 3 to have the tiberium spreading like it did in tiberian sun ?


EA's fancy new take on tiberium fails if the tiberium just stays in its little circle around the fissure or even worse the tiberium "seed" ability of nod not doing anything at all.


or do you guys know how to create proper tiberium because i dont know how to do this but i am willing to learn.

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f*** RTS as a sport i want my C&C the way its supposed to be


tiberium is supposed to be the biggest environmental disaster ever and it just doesnt manage to convince when its restricted to that little circle around the fissure.




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It's not really possible to change this with a simple mod. Well.. it is, but only for new maps created with this mod. This is because the data for each field is stored directly in the map itself. You have to change every map you got in your Maps folder and edit all fields on those maps. Bleh!

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It's easy to get Tiberium to consume most of a map. The problem is each field would start full, so you'd have to clean the whole thing up before it would start to creep. There's no way to get it to grow past the set diameter.

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But it is true it only works best with new maps


The Nod Seed missile now working properly, if you can call it that it's a messy process

post-5948-1203888259_thumb.png post-5948-1203888295_thumb.png post-5948-1203888323_thumb.png post-5948-1203888348_thumb.png



The tiberium fields now spread quite far, works on some maps and all self made maps (at least on my maps)


post-5948-1203888566_thumb.png post-5948-1203888600_thumb.png post-5948-1203889673_thumb.png post-5948-1203889708_thumb.png post-5948-1203889752_thumb.png post-5948-1203889779_thumb.png post-5948-1203889810_thumb.png post-5948-1203889838_thumb.png post-5948-1203889861_thumb.png


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It harvests ok, only problem with the fields is that nothing can stop them from growing, no walls or mountains or anything heh, it will grow where ever it can.

As for the seed missile the harvesters won't automatically harvest the initial tiberium before it starts spreading.


I'm thinking of another way to make it but that would probably make the harvest bug. I'll try it anyway.


As for how i made that, it was pretty simple, i just edited the tiberium field propertys, increasing the radius as much as the game would allow me and other things, the fields can literary have 999999999 credits when fully grown ^_^


The seed missile was a bit different, had to make a new tiberium crystal that would be created from the missile, after that, the tiberium would grow around the initial seed, so basically i made a new tiberium crystal that doesn't spread it self but rather spreads the same crystals that the fields do.

Edited by Ominus

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