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Mh-60 Blackhawk

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Currently, the best solution we've found is to make it so the minigun turrets cannot move. This way, they cannot spin around or upside down, etc. The only downside is that it cannot fire while moving, and from some angles looks odd. This was the best solution though, at least until EA takes an interest in helping the modding community out ( :lol: ).


The death of a Blackhawk will be very cinimatic, smiliar to Blackhawk down. It will spin slowly out of control, spinning faster as it races towards the ground. When it hits, the rubble will explode slightly, senting dirt and debri into the air as the main rotor whips off whith a sickening "whip-whip-whip-whip!". I'm still working on it, but I think you'll like it. :)

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What a silly sound for something that just got owned by the enemy team :)


Also - will all this debris and flying rotor blades kill infantry that get stuck under it? That would rock.

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