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L e o p a r d II[A6]

Volcano Citizen
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About L e o p a r d II[A6]

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  1. L e o p a r d II[A6]

    Nazi Games Banned In Germany?

    Why are games like Wolfenstein censored or to some degree, "banned" from that country? Well, anyone can have an outside opinion--but the real factor is, Germany had a lot of weight on them considering the amount of guilt after a Russian/English/Anglo-American victory. As guilt in war goes, so as to become on good ties with those who now talk of dividing your country--what do you do to get on their good side? REPENT! REPENT! REPENT! Wether by choice or not, the once proud, nationale's of Germany, suffering a crippling defeat amungst the debree, sorted out to be quiet about what they used to believe in. Communist Soldiers, and especially the NKVD (at the times of 1945--1955) would literally run insertions to where people accused of supporting or idolizing states of NSDAP support, would be arrested without trial or notice. Sounds ridiculous? No Bullshit. After the war, the Germans, with or without this law, spoke nothing of NSDAP Support, or at least, for as much as they could--mention of this would warrant arrest and "fake" linking to the holocaust, as much as the Reds could possibly give. The Western Allies, would probably question--but there again, nethire knew fully of what every citizen was doing, so with that, restrictions, or interpretations on such viewpoints were held within law to keep Germany in a period of "shock". With this restriction and visual defeat of NSDAP controlled sects, the Western Allies hoped that no revolts or riots would occur with response to a German defeat--the Soviets collected this idea, because their first step was enforcing communistic viewpoints on German Controlled citizenry within their sectors. The Swastika, and all of those who used its representation with the ideal of "communist downfall", and "democratic defeat", were either arrested by Soviet Officials or "local westernized/communist cooperating" German Police. Keep in mind, my reference starts at 1945 to 1978. However, as the times died, and trust me, (it was'nt as numerous as it might sound), these arrests or idea's of abuse to a man and his own thought died down--but the echoes of these still remain; so now, we still have laws regulating out states of National Socialism. Why? Is it because their burying their past? The Old now, once youth or pridefull German during Hitler's control, now have their own ways of coping--persecuting those they feel are responsible for BEGILING them into following Hitler. Wether you were a soldier at the front (not responsible for wartime attrocity, or a member as deep as the Hitler Youth having not known much of your surroundings) your still looked down upon in Germany for the sake of having been a "possible NSDAP member"; and not every German Citizen, or German soldier was a NSDAP controlled nutjob to begin with. Many were forced--and many of these forced, were people who had no choice to argue. These, were the soldiers at the front, who probably did'nt come home until late 1945 to their countries defeat. The NSDAP thoughts and markings, are restricted in Germany for these reasons (sorry I had taken so long to develop to them): *For fear of reinstilling, resurging, uprising, or giving corruptable leeway to a possible remarking Goverment bent on the same ideals. *For fear of allowing NSDAP states to evolve, and feel safe--and to thus, try to recorrupt the Goverment. *NSDAP states are associated with the Holocaust--and why the hell not? So in Germany, these are stricted for the sake of it being a discrace, hurt, and sickening thing to bear. Some hope to blot it out with this. ...while others... *Try to make will of it (some showing of these symbols), through the standard of realistic or dedicated measure to portray the war as is. Just because you had a bunch of Swastika's around, did'nt mean the people surrounding those flags supported its ideals--just like some Soldiers in or outside of Iraq, do and dont support it. Its on that realistic term you must believe--and thats these peoples thoughts. They're might be more, but I'm not sure what else could be said. =============German Opinion on Wolfenstein (A Friend of Mine)[Might explain why some people dont like it]================ This is what I heard from a few people, and I understand their degree of thought. "I dont believe Wolfenstein to be a very constructive image of how Germans were and were'nt during World War II--if anything, this game conditions a hate of Germans, through the action that the only thing attacking the player are very openly recognizable "NAZI" figures who very unquestionably, are very close in image, to those who managed the Concentration Camps. In short, the Shutstaffeln, who at no time had a Paranormal Division meant on using Satanic Reference to win that war. Besides the Zombies being unquestionabley stupid, the Soldiers portrayed in this game are too. They turn onpurposely slow, and shoot a few bursts to allow the player time to kill them--they're easy to kill, which thus explains to me, it was meant to relieve tensions in our minds about NAZI's (in the fact we can kill them and feel better about ourselvers and thus refresh to ourselves and confirm--that every German was stupid, a NAZI, and well could not fight back.)Besides the scripted sequences meant to capture the player in the issue he is "the only free man fighting until later" the game is bent on taking American players on a shoot'em up adventure that seems to make sense all because one thing--Hitler's Vengeance projects. Without suprise, they'll probably go on to except that Zombies, and secret weapons existant and non-existant to historical reference, did infact exist, and were in great quanity! With this, they'll probably assume because of reference to secret projects, that the Game seems more like a realistic possibility that a complete sack of bullocks created out of uninspired Game programmers, bent on exploiting the most frusterating and confused part of Human History. I guess a game like this makes you feel like your less responsible--or to the better point, just to kill a German...because well...all Germans are evil! :P How does he remark a German with a Swastika coming at him? Of course! Die you evil jew killing nazi fuck! But does he care to think that what he is playing is a game? He does'nt even see his absent minded aggressiveness is like that of the Einzsatstruppen; and that he, like the NAZI's were, conditioned to kill without remorse because the enemy is what? YOUR ENEMY! HE IS INFERIOR! HE IS A GERMAN! HE KILLS JEWS! HE OPPOSES FREEDOM! Whatever awe inspires teenagers to like the idea of killing non-existant Germans, and Germans alike, (what other nation indentified themselves through Pot Helmets?) its a reason--and they'll defend it violently. 'Oh, it was just a bit of fun' Okay fine then--lets represent your freedoms through my exploitation on those ignorant scumbags you call the KKK? I bet you would'nt mind if I made a game called 'Return to Castle Harlem'. Or perhaps, "Charles Vitgroves adventures: RETURN TO FLOURENCE AND NORMANDIE". How 'bout I make a play on whats happened with America? Huh? They'd have their arguements against me--but the ludicris (heh pun) issues that are, imaginitive bullocks intent on confusing and begiling others to ignorantly hate as the NAZI's did, is just the same as me playing on your society and its dark histories. I could always make a, "Dance Dance Red Tongue!", were each song is about the White Mans sickness and plague, and his aggressive strive to remove and kill Native Americans because they did'nt appreciate the thought of God, or moving to British will! Instead of a pad, you'll have a needle--try to inject as many serums as possible to make sure you dont catch small pox! Ooo Ooo! How about I make one about, "Medal of Honor: Indian Assault!", were you run around with your drunk hillbilly friends and assault and kill Indians because you heard they attacked a local church! You see where I'am going? Wolfenstein is just one huge play on the accepted ignorance of Germanic Origin--I can say all I want that some people were innocent, but this overly patriotic fucks are going to run me over with their instilled senses of Nationalism brought on by their continued education that anything different from this must be "evil". He'll believe that Zombies piloted our vengeance weapons, and that the Germans had miniguns! I'll guess he'll believe ME, if I told him, that we also had Cold Fusion Reactors based in the Urals--and that our boots were made out of Squeeky toys. For all of the ridiculousness in the world, this game only portrays the fun of issue--but considering the undereducating of youths only to support civilian victims and not soldier based victims (explains to me why nobody supported Vietnam, or the War in Iraq), and run along with the thought that lies are okay to tell about the enemy--because nobody cares. But yet you see, they bitch about their own if lies are placed against them. Tell me, whats acceptable? I accept my Nations Dark History--but to remark and steamroll its victims just to get a few laughs remarking with some very confusing ties with history, is no way to treat another. I dont goto your country a tell you "Native American murdering American!" So why do it too us? Why stand miles away from us and make fun of us and the different of us, now and then...when you can come to my fucking face and say it? Nevermind--they'll just beat their chests. So now you know why I hate the idea of Wolfenstein." Well thats his opinion. Thats just another viewpoint on why NAZI'sm is quite liked--because though it was murderous and stupid, people often associate NAZI with German, so this is where he is annoyed. :P Sorry for the long post. :P