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Scurvy Dog

Volcano Citizen
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About Scurvy Dog

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  1. Scurvy Dog

    Nintendo! I Want That Brain Space Back!

    Are you kidding me? You need to get a DS Lite. NOW. And grab Mario Kart DS. Best racing game ever.
  2. Scurvy Dog

    Who The Hell Are You?

    Holy shit. Finally, a face to the name. and to think all this time i've been picturing you as some stereotypical anime fan..... :ph34r:
  3. Scurvy Dog

    What Are You Currently Listening To

    "Semper Fidelis" - John Philip Sousa
  4. Scurvy Dog

    ....i Phone

  5. Scurvy Dog

    Britain Under Attack?

    We need David Cameron! Err, make that you, I suppose. Hell, I know nothing at all about the man, but going by the great American tradition of choosing politicians based on appearance, Cameron's a surefire winner, especially compared to Brown.
  6. Scurvy Dog

    What Do You Drive?

    fucking win.
  7. Scurvy Dog

    Orphanage From Hell

    Wait, what? Why would he do that? Because he's a bad guy, and the insurgency = bad guys, so they'll all get along nice?
  8. Scurvy Dog

    ....i Phone

    So on one side you have all the hype - cool touch screen, iPod and phone in one, it's an Apple product, it looks sleek and sexy - and on the other side, you have the rest of the cell phone market. Unlike the iPod, iPhone will have plenty of serious competitors out there. There's also the fear that it will become the next Newton MessagePad. So far, from talking with people I know, the thing I hear most is "looks pretty cool, but I'll wait awhile to see what other people think." But if everyone's saying that, who's going to be the first to buy it then? What do you guys think? Will iPhone soar or plunge? And will you be getting one upon release or within a few months?
  9. Scurvy Dog

    Why China Is Good At Spying

    Yeah, but he must be smoking crack or something. Chinese chicks can be real hot. Excuse me for being crass, but it's true.
  10. Scurvy Dog

    New Low For Dutch Morality

    What he's saying is that if everyone starts as a donor and that those who can't or won't donate, for whatever reasons personal or otherwise, must specifically request not to be a donor, these people may be looked down upon by society. That's a valid concern, but what if this decision was made private? As in, no one but close family members and medical personnel would know if you chose not to be a possible donor? Wouldn't that solve the pariah problem?
  11. Scurvy Dog

    Iraq Torture Land

    You = fail, on so many levels that I don't know where to begin.
  12. Scurvy Dog

    New Low For Dutch Morality

    There are Christians in the Netherlands?
  13. Scurvy Dog

    Trevor's Thread

    What's better? French vanilla, or vanilla bean?
  14. Scurvy Dog

    Iraq Torture Land

    So what's your point? Terrorists are evil? Really? You know you're just inviting comparisons with US troops, like it or not.
  15. Scurvy Dog

    Shiver My Timbers! Avast, Matey!

    California school schedules are totally different from the rest of the country's, from what I hear. We start in late August and don't finish until late June. Bad news: We get a month less to prepare for the AP test than everyone else. Good news: We get to spend the rest of the year just chilling in class. In AP Lit all we're doing is watching crazy movies, each pertaining to some film movement like kino-eye and dogma95 (yes, these are real movements). One film we watched was L'age D'Or - this was, I shit you not, THE wierdest film you will ever see in your life. If you manage to sit through it the whole way, anyways. Check it out. In Bio we're watching fun movies like Al Gore's Powerpoint, and in Gov we're watching movies about all American underdogs taking on big, evil corporations run by southern accented fat men and defended by sleasily slick lawyers wearing thousand dollar suits. All based on true stories, of course.